Trapped Egypt


Choose A Room

Lockdown Now!

Lockdown Now!



Shipwrecked on a huge expedition your only alternative is a nearby island. you find a building with satellite dishes. you explored further and found out that this was a research base committed to curing bone cancer using a very rare rate type of plant, but, this plant extracts a psycho-toxic vapor that turns people into killing psychopaths. A security lockdown is now activated after turning on the secondary battery. you need to call for help before you all turn into psychopaths.

A king among men

A king among men


Pablo Escobar

Escobar is the most famous drug dealer and you are detectives trying to reach the money he’s hiding ,in the first half you’re on an island where you are trying to know which home he is hiding the money in and in the second half you’re in his house trying to reach the map that will lead you to the money.

Demons or humans cant tell the difference

Demons or humans cant tell the difference


Asylum I

In this asylum there is a super dangerous psychopath , he has super mental powers of controlling people around him , even his doctors !
He succeeded to control one of the nurses to help him in killing the staff and perform experiments on them.

Not this again

Not this again


Asylum II

Julie was a little troubled girl whom they found lost at the age of 8, no one ever knew her story… Strange things started to happen for any foster family who adopted her so she was moved to an asylum to be treated… A few months after her arrival at the asylum her mental and physical status became worse and she died in her room.. But that’s not the end of the story

We are doomed

We are doomed


Guard’s revenge

After escaping the famous Dungeon of Doom, you and your team find yourselves locked again in the same castle but his time in the torture room!!
You have only 60 minutes to escape before the guard is back!

Beware the clown

Beware the clown


Haunted Circus

In this room you will enter an old haunted Circus that used to be very successful, until their main super star Clown suddenly disappeared!
You and your team are going to sneak inside this old stranded Circus trying to figure out the reason behind the disappearance of the Clown!